Thursday, June 9, 2016

Yu-Gi-Oh Manga: 025 The One-Inch Terror

Wanna know a secret? I've never seen a Bruce Lee movie. It's a fact I've deliberately kept from my Wing Chun teacher, because he's constantly referring to martial arts movies, and I've been pretending to know what I'm laughing about too long to out myself as a phony now. So, when I saw this chapter's title, the thing that immediately jumped into my mind was Thumbelina pricking people with needles and jumping out at people from music boxes. You know, being a one-inch terror.

The bottom of the title page tells me about the pun that my Wing Chun teacher would already have been laughing at, beneath a picture of Jonouchi inviting Yuugi to the arcade after school. To be honest, I'm still not even in the right ballpark, because now all I can think of is One Punch Man. Don't ask me how my mind works.

Jonouchi is determined to beat the record-holder in the arcade today. Yuugi asks if there's someone in the arcade who's really good, and Jonouchi says not only is he good, but he's become a legend. Jonouchi points at a racing game and tells Yuugi to look at the rankings there, where "KAI" is listed at the top. Yuugi repeats the name in confusion while Jonouchi describes "KAI" as a jerk who has the record on almost all the games in the arcade. In fact, since the games in this arcade are connected to others in the country, it can be extrapolated that "KAI" is the best gamer in Japan. Yuugi ponders what kind of person he must be, but Jonouchi hasn't seen him and doesn't care to. All he cares about is beating "KAI"'s record and taking the title of top gamer in all Japan.

Surprise! It's Kaiba! Sure didn't see that coming!

Actually, as a native English speaker, I probably have a lot easier time making the connection between the English letters on that screen and the first three in the romanization of Kaiba's name. Of course, this is assuming that the translators didn't change them over from Japanese. Even if they did, though, Japanese works in such a way that Kaiba's name could be spelled several different ways, and that first syllable might not connect very well away from the second.

I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt, is all.

Yuugi asks the kids if he heard them right, and they confirm that they indeed said the name "Kaiba," and identify him as their hero. They mention that there's two brothers, but clarify that they're actually referring to the elder brother, who is a gaming genius. Yuugi is shocked that it's not just Duel Monsters that Kaiba's an expert in. I'm shocked that he apparently has the time to futz around in arcades, until the kids say that lately Kaiba hasn't been doing so, because there are no worthy opponents. Also, word on the street is Kaiba's working on a top-secret project to build the ultimate game. Ooooooooh, fancy.

Having fulfilled their purpose of foreshadowing Death-T, the kids depart with a sardonic remark about how Yuugi and Jonouchi will be at the arcade forever if they're looking to beat records. Jonouchi shakes an indignant fist at them as they leave, but Yuugi just watches them walk away with a worried expression. Jonouchi encourages Yuugi to join him in some arcade game revelry, having forgotten completely about the insults those kids flung at him before. He sits at one of the racing games and promptly loses, realizing he's just no good at it.

I'm sure this is TOTALLY important to the plot of the chapter. TOTALLY.

Yuugi plays against the computer, wins, and is challenged by another player in the arcade. He says that maybe fighting someone he can't see will be fun, but I don't know how it would differ from playing against the faceless computer, honestly. Jonouchi encourages Yuugi to try, and Yuugi accepts the challenge to find that his opponent is playing as the same character. Yuugi is ready, because he's been undefeated so far, and manages to beat the challenger too.

He defeats his human opponent again and again, because whoever it is doesn't want to quit fighting. Jonouchi says that the guy is weak, but must have spent a ton of money so far just trying to beat Yuugi. Thirsty, Jonouchi goes to buy juice, asking if Yuugi wants anything. Yuugi asks for a cola, mashing buttons against his mysterious opponent yet again. He wins once more, but the challenger must have had enough, because he doesn't ask for another match this time.

Or, he could just be so frustrated that he's spontaneously combusting. That happens, right?

He rounds the machines to where Yuugi is sitting and tells him to turn around as he's playing on the machine against the computer again. Yuugi does as he's told out of curiosity.

Hey man, there's a difference between your opponent being smug and you being a sore loser. He may not be prepared to acknowledge that difference, though, since he proceeds to pummel Yuugi with lightning punches. Even the Exposition Kids from earlier look around in horror at the beating that's taking place by the fighting games.

The Bruce Lee Wannabe (it even rhymes!) laughs as Yuugi collapses at his feet, asking where his triumphant expression is now, daring Yuugi to laugh at him again. I don't think Yuugi ever laughed at him to begin with, but this guy is too delusional to care much about actual facts. He punches Yuugi once more, and the Millennium Puzzle catches his eye as Yuugi falls. He takes out a knife, saying that he always takes a something from the loser during a street fight, and since that pendant is so admirable...

Bruce Lee Wannabe struts out of the arcade between the Exposition Kids, talking about how fighting games are great stress-reducers. Exposition Kids kneel next to Yuugi as he's coming to, asking if he's okay. Yuugi pats his chest, noticing the absence of the puzzle with a tear in his eye.

Jonouchi comes back from his excursion for juice muttering about hot coffee. Looks like all those options in the vending machine got to him... He sees the Exposition Kids next to a beaten and bruised Yuugi and drops his coffee. Jonouchi runs to Yuugi's side asking if he's alright. Yuugi says he's fine, and Jonouchi takes direction from one of the Exposition Kids, who simply points at the door with an open mouth.

Just like that.

Cut to Bruce Lee Wannabe walking down the street, admiring his new acquisition. Jonouchi catches up to him and shouts for him to stop where he is. Bruce Lee Wannabe turns to look at Jonouchi and I can't tell where his haircut ends and his eyebrows begin. What is up with that?

Jonouchi looks pissed beyond belief when he catches up, and yells that he's going to kill BLW for pummeling Yuugi. BLW chuckles, telling Jonouchi that he's got guts for challenging him to a street fight, but Jonouchi just repeats the threat to kill BLW and get the puzzle back for Yuugi. BLW begins to list his street credentials, that he's undefeated and he's an advanced martial artist, all while cracking his knuckles. He thinks Jonouchi is the one who's going to die.

Man, this chapter is one long advertisement for Bruce Lee's movies, isn't it? At least this information has something to do with the actual plot, because Bruce Lee Wannabe goes on to demonstrate what an inch looks like with the space between his index finger and thumb. He says he'll show Jonouchi the One-Inch Terror, and I'm just hoping he doesn't start unzipping.

Oh, good, it's a fighting game he devised, and he'll give back the puzzle if Jonouchi wins. Wait... this game is not going to be issued or won by Yami? Does... does JONOUCHI get to be the game king in this chapter?


Taking out two identical-looking knives, Bruce Lee Wannabe says that in order to play his game, they have to each put a blade in their mouths point first. Jonouchi flinches away from the suggestion, but Bruce Lee Wannabe threatens to smash the puzzle if he doesn't agree to play the game. Jonouchi growls.

Oh come on, you can't even follow the rules of your own game? Don't want to risk anything yourself? What are you, Shadi?

Jonouchi tells him to take the knife out of his mouth anyway, because he's content with just giving Bruce Lee Wannabe a black eye as opposed to murdering him. What happened to all that talk about killing him earlier, Jonouchi? Oh well, when changing your mind involves NOT killing someone, I'm not going to criticize.

He goes ahead and puts his knife in his mouth, though, and Bruce Lee Wannabe laughs that he'll be regretting those kind sentiments of his when his opponent makes him swallow the knife. Bruce Lee Wannabe declares it's a game to the death, but he's only HALF right. He's not going to die no matter what, so I don't know where he gets off making that statement. Hell, I don't know where he gets off thinking that it's okay to want to murder someone over a necklace he stole. Who the hell is this guy and why is he so fucked up?

Even the guys that kidnapped Hanasaki had understandable motivations. Disgusting ones, but understandable nonetheless. This guy is just... inexplicably evil. He's basically a personified escalation, which doesn't make for a very fun villain, and makes the fact that he doesn't have a name all that much more noticeable. I'll be glad when Jonouchi takes him out.

With a battle cry of "let's go," Bruce Lee Wannabe starts throwing punches, but Jonouchi dodges them all while keeping his hands firmly in his pockets. He always has the thought in the back of his mind that one inch could mean death for him, though. He keeps avoiding Bruce Lee Wannabe's fists as they come at him fast, leaning out of the way a little too late for one and getting the side of his face swiped by an incoming punch. This draws blood for some reason? I checked to see if Bruce Lee Wannabe had anything in his fists as he swung them, but I didn't see anything, so I don't know what that's about either.

Jonouchi thinks that the narrow alley keeps him from avoiding the blows with more breadth, and wonders if he gave his opponent too much advantage by not telling him they should fight in a more open area. Still, Bruce Lee Wannabe is starting to sweat. He throws another punch and stops for a breather, noting that Jonouchi hasn't even taken his hands out of his pockets so far. Jonouchi tells Bruce Lee Wannabe that he has a promise to Yuugi in each of his pockets, and that he won't reveal them until the last second.

Yuugi asked for soda earlier... OH, I getcha Jonouchi. Wow, that's actually pretty clever.

Bruce Lee Wannabe thinks he's an idiot, though, because he's left his belly wide open and this gives Bruce Lee Wannabe the chance to shove his fist in there. Jonouchi doubles over, and Bruce Lee Wannabe aims his fist at Jonouchi's face, saying this is the end of their fight. He tells Jonouchi to die as Jonouchi thinks it's about time to show his hand, literally.

Jonouchi, I think you're absorbing some of Yami's ingenuity, you sly dog. Must be osmosis. Bruce Lee Wannabe laments the soda in his eyes as Jonouchi holds up his other fist, saying that it's his other promise to Yuugi. He gives Bruce Lee Wannabe a powerful punch to the jaw as fulfillment of that promise, and finally spits out the knife, telling Bruce Lee Wannabe that he won't beat him in a thousand years. He also notices that he broke Bruce Lee Wannabe's jaw, and that he's not sure about the injury.

So, he just leaves Bruce Lee Wannabe in the alley, carrying away the puzzle and muttering about how he has to buy Yuugi another soda now.

So, what did I think of this chapter overall? I'm stoked that we got to see Jonouchi taking a lead. I'm not TIRED of Yami or anything, by any means, but he's an ancient spirit that has crazy supernatural powers. It takes a little bit of the tension out of his various games, knowing that the people he challenges are always going to be punished. The stakes are always in HOW Yami does what he does, seeing the creative side of the games, and how he ends up winning.

Jonouchi doesn't have those powers, and he was REALLY at a disadvantage here. Overwhelming odds were stacked against him, and the way smarts over brawn won it for him was a bit of a twist, so his victory was in some ways that much more impressive. There was very little by way of development that we haven't seen demonstrated already, but that morsel was profound. Jonouchi is not stupid. He's actually quite the strategist himself, though his talent may only be extended to physical fights. How he won the game was a delight to me.

My enjoyment only goes so far, though, because the antagonist in this one was just... I said above that he didn't have any motivation that I could see other than just being evil, but I suppose you could say that he was so into martial arts and movies centered around the theme that he wanted to fight like in a scene from one. That's a bit of a stretch, though, if you ask me. Despite his violent and murderous escalations, he made me yawn. Since I couldn't figure out the reason why he would be doing this, aside from amping up the drama, I got bored with him really quickly.

Would Jonouchi's victory still have been pretty awesome if there wasn't an unnecessary knife in his mouth? I like to think so, because I don't think that bit added much more than shock value to the chapter. It was an interesting idea, and I didn't HATE it, but maybe a little more explanation as to why Bruce Lee Wannabe was so quick to come up with a deadly game as a solution to his minor opponent would have been the best way to get me to fully believe it. As it stands, though, it seems gratuitous.

It was a dinky little one-shot though, and those have a reputation for not having terribly developed villains with understood motivations. I should be used to this song and dance by now, but hey, it's a critical review. What are you gonna do?


  1. Well. That sure was a villain. Why is everyone in this city such a raging asshole towards Yugi?

    1. I'm almost genuinely convinced that everyone is just a raging asshole for survival purposes? Like, you simply don't make it to adulthood in this city without being some kind of awful to someone. Make's you wonder about Hanasaki's dad, and what kinds of horrible things he did behind the scenes just to grow up and get a job where he gets to escape the hellhole of Domino most of the time, lol!
