Thursday, July 14, 2016

Time for a Breather

I've been reviewing a chapter of Yu-Gi-Oh every day for two months. I started this project partly because I heard about that new movie and wanted to be able to follow it on the level with its particular manga canon, but that's only PART of the reason.

The other part is that I'm killing time. My husband is in the Navy, set to be stationed SOMEWHERE on a coast SOMETIME. Due to a clerical issues, he didn't get stationed with his graduating class from A School, and now no one can tell us when they're going to let him get on a ship, let alone where. We've been waiting a long time to hear what's going to happen, and we're still in the dark.

I haven't been able to get a job, because even people hiring for seasonal jobs want to know that you're not going to just skip out on them in the middle of your promised stint. I haven't been able to apply for grad school, because I have no idea on which coast to apply, given my husband could be stationed on either side of the country. My only recourse was to sit and wait.

So, I've been keeping myself busy with this and an original writing project of my own. I figured it would be only mildly engaging; a hobby that wouldn't take more that an hour or two of my day. But the project has turned out to be MONUMENTAL, taking varying time and effort depending on the content and length of the chapter. On a good day, I'll shave my time on it down to two hours, but sometimes it takes three or four.

Yes, I know, much of what I write in this blog comes down to poking fun at the ridiculous crap I note in my recap. However, those bits at the end where I'm pissing and moaning about something or other? That's my attempt at legitimate critique. It takes lots of thought, analysis, and most of all, patience, which I've been running a little low on as of late.

I didn't want to take a break until my husband and I had to move to our new home port, but sometimes you need a day to just relax and not have to deal with wracking your brain for something to say about a comic book. A day is all I'll be taking - maybe grab a hike or a run, something outdoors where I can take in some fresh air for once.

Tomorrow I'll be back with some fresh snark, as well as a surprise.

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