Friday, November 11, 2016

Inuyasha Manga: 060 Tessaiga's Power

Because that sword can't possibly just transform from a small skinny katana to a hulking boner sword complete with fur at the hilt. That's the only magical thing we've seen it do so far, and there doesn't appear to be any reason for it aside from the obviously naughty joke it tells. It's not even an original joke, either, because people have been commenting on the over-compensation represented by giant murder cocks for ages now. Let's see what this particular murder cock can REALLY do.

Considering how you hacked off his arm and everything, he should AT LEAST have caught a deadly infection instead of appearing to have grown the limb back so mysteriously...

But Sesshoumaru will be damned if he gives Inuyasha a second of time to wonder about that.

 SHIT. Boy has NO concept of personal space. Or he just has poor eyesight.

"Here, let me get RIGHT up in your face to reduce the blur. That's better."

Inuyasha wastes no time backing the fuck up, and neither do his companions. Miroku is the only one who looks back quizzically as he's fleeing, as Shippou and Kagome busy themselves running as fast as possible in the opposite direction, the latter screaming with her arms raised like a moron. Well, to be fair, SHE knows better than the other two what Sesshoumaru is, and is probably scared witless by the possibility of being buried in a pile of caustic goo if she stays in the blast zone.

Sesshoumaru tells Inuyasha that his movements are as slow as ever, but Inuyasha don't give a shit. He wants to know what Sesshoumaru is here for, and Sesshoumaru says that he doesn't want to hear any more questions from him, because it's the Tessaiga he has business with. I must mention here that my favorite iteration of this line actually comes from the official translation, as blasphemous as that may be. "I have come to see a man about a sword," is quite possibly the most hilarious thing Sesshoumaru has ever said in ANY of the incarnations of this series, and I really LIKE funny!Sesshoumaru. So there.

Inuyasha gripes that Sesshoumaru still hasn't learned his lesson that he shouldn't touch things that don't belong to him. Meanwhile, behind the cover of a large boulder, Miroku asks Kagome if Sesshoumaru is an acquaintance of theirs. She informs Miroku that Sesshoumaru is Inuyasha's older brother, though full youkai rather than just half. Sweating, Kagome frets about Sesshoumaru being after Tessaiga yet again, despite the fact that the barrier around the sword disables him from touching it.

Sesshoumaru orders Inuyasha to draw, because he wants to at least allow Inuyasha his token resistance. Inuyasha is only TOO happy to oblige, ripping the sword from its sheath as he promises Sesshoumaru he'll lose more than just an arm this time.

Just... not right that second, it seems.

A confused Inuyasha looks around at the sound of Sesshoumaru behind him, who says it's just as he thought while landing a short distance away. Sesshoumaru surmises that Inuyasha hasn't managed to actually master the Tessaiga yet. Inuyasha indignantly dares Sesshoumaru to repeat what he said, then turns to charge at him with sword raised again, insisting that he not be mocked. Inuyasha, take it from the person who runs a snark blog: the more you tell people not to mock you, the more mockable you become. It's a direct correlation.

Of course, this is excluding the data on physical contact that may happen during the mocking too.

What's with the surprise, Inuyasha? It's not like you didn't advertise EXACTLY where you were going with that sword, allowing Sesshoumaru to use his super speed to meet you halfway. He's probably surprised Sesshoumaru didn't take the opportunity to exact some Hammurabi-esque revenge on him right then and there.

Miroku and Kagome are both on the shocked side too, it seems. Sesshoumaru explains that Inuyasha's sword form is too open and the sword itself is throwing him around. Sesshoumaru, are you trying to kill the boy or give him a samurai lesson? Legitimate question.

Regardless, it seems that Hammurabi-esque revenge is coming after all. The stripes on Sesshoumaru's wrists lengthen up toward his hand as he strengthens his grip on Inuyasha's forearm, releasing his trademark poison into the claws that are digging into his skin. Miroku disbelievingly observes that Inuyasha's arm is being dissolved, something Kagome recognizes in a panic as Sesshoumaru's poison-claw. Sesshoumaru himself warns Inuyasha that if he doesn't let go of the sword, big brother will melt off his arm.

It's strangely nice of Sesshoumaru to give him the choice between keeping the arm or the sword. Of course, it's understandably not looking that way from Inuyasha's perspective. He grips the Tessaiga with his other hand and growls that before that happens, he's slicing Sesshoumaru in two. He powers forward, pushing an astonished Sesshoumaru back ward. The peanut gallery on the other side of the rock chimes in, with Miroku stating the obvious that Sesshoumaru was forced back, and Kagome looking on in admiration, talking about how amazing this is.

Sesshoumaru mutters that Inuyasha is an awfully annoying guy. He jumps in the air, the fur around his shoulder growing. Seriously, there is a sound-effect for this.

Inuyasha, you fucking BUTTERFINGERS!

He curses, lunging for the sword he lost, but it's too late. Sesshoumaru lands next to where it lodged its point into the ground using his super speed, and uses that inexplicably intact left hand to grip it. Kagome is confused by this, while Sesshoumaru swipes sideways at the oncoming Inuyasha rapidly.

Oh I don't know, Inuyasha, maybe it has something to do with the fact that Sesshoumaru's arm is somehow randomly back to where it was before you cut it off??? Maybe you should you start asking the RIGHT questions for once.

Sesshoumaru shouts at Jaken, who's still on top of that giant fucking oni from before, both of which have been quietly watching the fight until now. Jaken knows exactly what his name means in this instance, and assures Sesshoumaru that the mountain youkai will be driven out in only a moment. I can't tell if the giant oni is comprehending the conversation, or if he's getting some sort of silent cue from Jaken. Either way, he turns toward the mountain on his right, lifts his gigantic hand, and brings it down on the side of the hill with a crash. Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha watch, the former with placid focus, the latter with gaping awe. The mountain starts to hum before a whole horde of youkai come flying out of the area the oni struck, which looks a lot smaller a space than should have contained those numbers of that size of creature. Whatever.

Sesshoumaru tells Inuyasha to look at how with one swing...

Okay, now you're just showing off, Sesshoumaru.

Looking at the now flattened mountain, Miroku can't help but note that it's gone too. Kagome just gapes. Not sure I wouldn't be doing the same.

Sesshoumaru is threatening to KILL you. Priorities, boy.

So, what did I think of this chapter overall? It's interesting taking a closer look at it than I have in the past, because a few odd details stick out to me now revolving around Sesshoumaru. First, though least important, is that Sesshoumaru is ambidextrous. He handled the Tessaiga a lot better than Inuyasha ever did, with his left hand. It's not a detail that really gets a lot of attention throughout the rest of the series, as far as I remember, but it's pretty interesting nonetheless.

Second is how Sesshoumaru is being so specific in his criticisms of Inuyasha in this chapter. He's not just calling Inuyasha unskilled with the sword, he's telling Inuyasha that his form is too open and the sword is throwing him around. He also criticizes Inuyasha on his speed in an almost... tutorial sense, like he's testing Inuyasha and commenting on his weaknesses in fighting in a lesson. Granted, the patronizing tone Sesshoumaru leveled at Inuyasha the last time they met is still very much there, so it's not as though these remarks don't also serve the purpose of Sesshoumaru bragging it up. Still, they're too specific for me to consider them ONLY that.

Third is Sesshoumaru's hold on Inuyasha's arm being given conditions. He implied that if Inuyasha dropped the sword he would let go, with the either/or statement he made. That he was presented so clearly with an opportunity for revenge, an arm for an arm, and put a condition on it is pretty unique for a character like this. Paired up with the fact that Sesshoumaru didn't appear to be going after Inuyasha himself at the beginning of the last chapter, only doing so after Naraku presented him with the tools to get Tessaiga, it becomes all the more distinct.

Sesshoumaru isn't a vengeful person. He doesn't go out and even the score with people who have harmed him. That's not his end goal here, OR any time in the future. Sesshoumaru's purpose in accepting Naraku's scheme is clearly to try and make another grab for Tessaiga, and killing Inuyasha may be secondary and even unnecessary part of the plan. In fact, I'm almost tempted to think Sesshoumaru would consider it BETTER if he doesn't kill Inuyasha in getting Tessaiga, simply because he'll have gotten what HE wants, without Naraku getting the result he had employed him for. The best possible outcome for Sesshoumaru would be to send the message that if anyone tries to take advantage of him, he can flip the script and make the manipulator the manipulated.

And THAT means that Inuyasha is better left alive in this instance.

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