Tuesday, December 20, 2016

It Was Inevitable

New jobs are always so bittersweet.

On the one hand, money is something everyone needs for various purposes, and my purposes are some rather expensive lessons. I also needed a social outlet that wasn't just talking to various loved-ones on the phone and staying cooped up in my new apartment otherwise. Lastly, this job is going to be so super cool and I'm really excited to work on this team. It's going to be a BLAST.

On the other hand, my other projects are inevitably going to get less attention because of it. I wanted to keep up my momentum, but honestly, that was an unrealistic desire, and I knew it from the beginning. Churning out a review EVERY DAY is exhausting, and as much as I've impressed some with how consistent and persistent I've been, it had to eventually end.

Of course, I definitely plan to keep this blog going, and the project WILL continue, if for no other reason than my own amusement, but I won't be posting every day anymore. Every two to three days will hopefully suffice, as my schedule changes and priorities shift. There's so much to do these days that the job is honestly only part of my cutting down on posting. Between flying out to see my family this week and getting ready for my husband's return to home port, my schedule is going to be booked almost solid, with only slivers of time left for messing around with reviews.

But, as the title proclaims, this was all inevitable. No matter how much I wanted to, I just couldn't keep up the momentum and have a life at the same time. Complete inactivity isn't in the stars for this project, though, so check in every few days for some new content.

I'll keep snarking, so feel free to keep reading!

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