Monday, June 24, 2019

Inuyasha Manga: 164 The Fourth One

I've heard tell of how the number four in Japan is a bit unlucky, much like the number thirteen in Western culture, and I'm starting to get it. The whole mechanism around which this story is centered is an object called the "SHIkon no tama", a "Jewel of Four Souls" that gives malevolent beings all the more ability to cause mayhem. Now at chapter 164, we have a "fourth" one? That is not likely to be good news, and in fact may be a combination on par with three sixes in my heavily Christian culture.

I'll tell you what's terrible: those haircuts. Gracious, that should be a fucking crime. I realize it's the traditional samurai style, but those guys have to learn at some point that they fell for a total troll job. They should not have listened to the old dude trying desperately to normalize his male pattern baldness, and everybody knows it.

But these two in particular have bigger things to worry about, what with their lord and master lying decapitated on the floor. One of them turns to the screen behind them to call out for help as the pots from the previous chapter start bubbling and glowing again. It's not long before these poor dopey dipshits get both their heads sliced off too, in a single swipe, long before help is sufficiently hailed. A gross, drippy tentacle from the pots curls around the waist of one of the bodies, dragging it into the pot to munch on. And just so you know, that is an accurate sound effect for the seething pot now bubbling with blood as well as youkai mucus.

Naraku's body lays there, but we all know he's not really dead, so I don't know what he's playing at. Maybe he just wanted to have a little bit of a rest, I don't know. It doesn't last long, though, because he twitches his hand after a moment of letting the creature in the pots gnaw on the corpses of his samurai. Gotta get a good meal in, I guess, because being sent to bed without dinner isn't the kind of punishment that Naraku does. No, it's clear he favors the more corporeal route when a big pulsing heart grows into the palm of his hand.

His head asks with a douchy smirk if that hurts, and informs the test-pot baby that he's got its measly heart in his hand right now. Naraku explains that he appreciate the killing instinct that targets everything that moves, but he's liable to start crushing a heart if its owner is rude to him. Like the thing said a swear at the dinner table or something.

Kagura appears to be sitting in the shadows on the other side of the divider, thinking about how Naraku has given birth to yet another weird thing. I wondered for a moment if Kagura included herself in this category, but then I realized, "She's a woman. Of COURSE she does." She's dismayed by how hardy Naraku seems, what with his head cut all the way off and he's still perfectly fine. Too bad she wasn't around when the closest Naraku came to death was being blown apart by an arrow shot in fury by Kagome. She might have a better idea of who's got the best shot of kicking his ass, pun intended.

Elsewhere, a pack of wolves hang out around a body of water for some hydration, and you know what that means. Someone off-panel shouts that today is the day they tell Kouga something. That's right, Kouga has returned to focus and he's looking none too pleased, asking what exactly needs to be said here. Two-Tone and Mohawk both cringe away, suddenly very reluctant to share the thoughts they were sure they would. Mohawk eventually swallows his fear and asks if Kouga hasn't given up on finding Naraku's castle yet, and the response is predictably indignant.

Kouga doesn't hesitate to remind them that their friends were murdered by Naraku, in case they've forgotten. Sweating, Two-Tone sets up the counterargument for Mohawk to continue that they have been having zero luck actually finding this base of operations, and thus Naraku. The only clue is Kagura's scent, and Kouga's the only one who knows it. Resting his chin on the heel of his hand, Kouga tells THEM to go home, then. Mohawk sweatdrops at him, saying Kouga's name with what I assume is some exasperation.

Because Kouga isn't giving up. Behind his grimace, he vows to waste that bastard Naraku. It's just after this renewal of his promise that he looks like he has an epiphany.

Who could it BE???

Kagome. It's Kagome in the very next panel looking over her shoulder with a questioning glance. She's barely alerted those ahead of her that she senses a Shikon shard, Inuyasha responding with an insistent hum, before Kouga comes barreling out of nowhere in front of their whole party, skidding to a stop with a grin and greeting.

Wide-eyed, Kagome identifies Kouga, and Kouga asks how she's doing as though they crossed paths in the grocery store. Inuyasha steps between them and asks what the hell Kouga wants, at which interference Kouga glowers with an annoyed sound. Kagome peeks from behind Inuyasha to warn him not to start a fight all of a sudden, but she's told to shut up, because she clearly shouldn't have any input on whether she should be engaged in conversation of which Inuyasha does not approve. Be careful boy, you're entering some real shitty territory here.

Depending upon Kouga's story, Inuyasha says he could kill him, and this gets a predictably exasperated response from Kouga that this is pretty much par for the course. Digging a pinky finger into his ear, Kouga says he can't so much as look in Inuyasha's direction without him losing his shit, asking if Kagome isn't tired of being with a guy like that. Kagome angrily tells him to hold up a sec as veins pop out in Inuyasha's head and he grinds his teeth, hand at the ready on Tessaiga. Shippou appears on Inuyasha's shoulder to demand Kouga stop being rude, because this isn't what he's always like. It's only the result of Inuyasha's memory on how Kouga stole Kagome, so Shippou says it's a big mistake to think this behavior is regular.

How deep are you going to dig this hole, Inuyasha?

Miroku and Sango look around at the sound of the approach and complaints about Kouga leaving them behind to find it's the remains of the Wolf Youkai Tribe jogging around the bend. It's not long before the question of where Naraku's castle is comes up, and a demand to know where it is. Inuyasha is seated on a group of big rocks with his group around him, Kouga and his group on another group directly across from them, and both of them are looking only SLIGHTLY less annoyed that they're speaking to one another right now.

Inuyasha says that if they knew where Naraku's castle was, they wouldn't be having such a difficult time getting there. Kouga repeats that Inuyasha doesn't know where the castle is like this is something that's being denied. Didn't he JUST tell you he didn't know? You are both insufferable little brats. Inuyasha explains that Naraku puts up a barrier around his castle to hide it, and even goes so far as to begin a promise to avenge Kouga's comrades for him once they find their way around that little roadblock. Too bad he finishes the promise by drawing Tessaiga, demanding the Shikon fragments in Kouga's legs, and instructing him to crawl back to his lair quietly afterwards.

You are the WORST at negotiations.

Inuyasha curses and looks over at Kouga, who is squatting upon another rock a ways away now, mockingly calling the blow scary. With a grin, Kouga notes that Inuyasha's swing has slowed to a crawl, asking what's up with that. As Inuyasha growls in frustration and a smidgen of nervousness, if the sweatdrop is any indication, Shippou comments that Tessaiga is still too heavy. Ah, kids and their constant blurting of uncomfortable and dangerous truths regardless of how many knocks on the head they receive for it. Miroku looks over his shoulder at him and smarms that the sword wouldn't become light too quickly. Life just isn't that easy, and neither is the narrative.

Still anchored to the ground with his super heavy sword, Inuyasha snaps at Kouga not to run away, but Kouga scoffs at him. Kouga says he doesn't have time to have a skirmish with Inuyasha, and proceeds to turn his back and fuck off as he always does. He casts one last glare over his shoulder at Inuyasha to address him before hitting turbo; Kagome is being left in Inuyasha's care until Kouga takes Naraku's head like he plans, but Kouga warns Inuyasha not to touch her in the meantime or he'll be sorry.

Boy, Kagome must be just THRILLED with all the implications of this ultimatum.

As Inuyasha's disbelief acts as the only obstacle to him trying (and failing) to chase down the cocky wolf, resulting in him standing there in impotent rage, Sango remarks with some surprise at how confident Kouga is even when he's running away. At least she gets to observe this without being under the guy's thumb. Poor Mohawk and Two-Tone have my utmost empathy, even if THEIR leader's hypocrisy doesn't rise to the level of claiming he'd run into an active shooting situation with or without a gun when he had actively avoided basic military service decades before.

Kagome tells Inuyasha not to get so angry, and after sliding his glare to her in his periphery, he turns and shouts in her face to question when he got angry. She doesn't react much, leaning away from him ever so slightly, eyes closed. Kagome's eyelids are heavy when she opens them again, thinking it's a little flattering that he gets so jealous, but he's awfully aggressive about it. Then she sighs, turning away from Inuyasha to mumble that she's tired. Inuyasha recoils at this statement, gaping at what he assumes is Kagome's confirmation that she is indeed tired of being around him. Kagome looks over her shoulder to a surprising sight.

Hey Kouga! You wanna spread around some of your unearned confidence to everyone else? Seems you could definitely stand to spare some for those who are less, ahem, fortunate.

He's a bit distracted when we see him in the next few panels, though. He stares up at the moon, where a small cloud of Saimyoushou are crossing the light. Two-Tone and Mohawk wonder out loud what they are, and Kouga silently surmises that they're insects. His olfactory senses suddenly pick up a little lead, and he rushes down the cliff he and his followers are perched upon, who question what's going on now. He shouts that the scent he's catching is the same as Kagura, no mistake, as he descends into the foliage at the base of the cliff.

Kouga skids to a stop at the side of a road, where the skeleton of a horse draws a covered carriage through a low-lying fog. A familiar figure in a baboon pelt sits on the horse's bony back, which must be super uncomfortable. Good. He lets out a small chuckle and dismounts, identifying Kouga as the leader of the Wolf Youkai Tribe. Naraku makes small talk about how Kouga's picked up his scent ahead of Inuyasha. In turn, Kouga identifies Naraku for the first time, and Naraku indicates that it's at long last they meet. He asks if Kouga will be dinner for the fourth one.

I kind of doubt it's up to him at this point, but it's always polite to ask, I suppose.

So, what did I think of this chapter overall? I'm always really stoked to get those fun little horror elements in this comic, because I love the suspense that comes along with it. Knowing that a new enemy is on its way to the heroes, but knowing very few details about them or their fighting style gives the audience a lot to look forward to, a reason to turn the page and keep reading, and something to relate with the heroes upon. Learning with the protagonists is a sort of bonding method, a way we can get into their headspace in dealing with a new threat, since it's new to us as well. It gives the illusion of being a part of the team in a small way.

Also, balancing knowns with unknowns within the narrative produces a nice, spooky vibe. I like the spooky vibe.

Most of the chapter was about the tension between Inuyasha, Kouga and Kagome, though. I suppose Kagome's part in it isn't really noteworthy, however. She's really just an excuse for a pissing contest - a convenient reason for Kouga to poke Inuyasha and see him react, and more importantly, attempt to prove superiority. Inuyasha fought and WON two back-to-back battles that Kouga was responsible for taking care of, both of them Wolf Youkai exclusive concern. No matter how cocky Kouga acts, it has to weigh on his mind that this hanyou came out of nowhere to fuck up enemies he couldn't get a hold on, was even fooled by.

Kagome seems to be the only way in which Kouga can really stick it to Inuyasha, so it makes sense that he would play up his relationship to Kagome to stick in Inuyasha's craw. I'm not saying Kouga doesn't like Kagome AT ALL; maybe he feels a smidgen of attraction to her because she's shown some spirit, but the way he behaves is not in the fashion of someone who's lovesick. It's in the fashion of someone deliberately flirting with the short-tempered brute at the bar's hot girlfriend to start a fight. Entertaining, yes, another opportunity to prove oneself in a physical confrontation, sure, but genuine love and affection for the ball in the game, no.

And Kagome is well aware of this, judging by how she's wishing Inuyasha would just tone down the jealousy. No doubt she knows Kouga wouldn't find pursuing her so compelling anymore if Inuyasha wouldn't react so strongly.

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