Friday, October 29, 2021

Yu-Gi-Oh Manga: 293 Dark Genesis

Is that why Phil Collins struck out on his own? Genesis just got too dark to see the drum kit? I know what you're thinking; this happened in the last post. No doubt you're assuming I'm just bringing up Phil Collins because I listened to Invisible Touch in the past couple of days and it's stuck in my brain, but I'd like to dispel that notion right now. This blog is FAR too sophisticated for me to opine about Invisible Touch in a cold open immediately following a cold open where I mentioned Zombie Zoo. 

It was Sussudio, actually. 

The magus is only projected out there because Mahado doesn't have sleeves to wear it on.

Grinning, thief!Bakura says it looks like Mahado's spirit ka got a little bigger and a LOT more powerful. Mahado tells him he released the magic that he was using to seal the evil of the Millennium Ring, and promises this fight won't be the same as the last. A tall panel featuring the beefed-up Diabound confirms what thief!Bakura counters with a the very bottom of it: HIS spirit ka has evolved a whole lot more. Thief!Bakura says that Mahado and his spirit ka will be the ones to sleep forever in this tomb. 

Mahado reiterates to thief!Bakura that there is no way for him to escape even if he does defeat the magician before him, because while they've been chatting, workmen have been piling tons of stone on the entrance of the tomb. He insists that the only way out of here is death. Thief!Bakura laughs that he's going to make a counter-prediction; he'll kill Mahado, take the Millennium Ring, and get out of there alive and well. Probably with those powers to pass through walls that he's not bothering to mention again, because OF COURSE he shouldn't have to. 

The magus has easily slipped out of Diabound's direct way, reappearing behind monster and thief!Bakura, which seems to freak him out pretty hardcore with how fast the movement was. Mahado mutters a spell and unleashes a Magic Blast at Diabound from its periphery. Diabound seems to be destabilized by this attack, thief!Bakura twisting to examine it as it falls on its elbow behind him. Mahado announces he's giving his heka to his spirit ka to power a second attack, much to thief!Bakura's alarm. The magus lets loose a THOUSAND Magic Blasts at the already howling Diabound, thief!Bakura having to shield his face with a raised arm while the attacks scatter near him below as well. 

As Mahado peers ahead, the smoke wafts away a bit, and he's surprised to find that massive Diabound seems to have disappeared. Immediately he glances right, wondering if it walked through the walls. Or slithered, whatever. From behind the remains of the misty aftermath of the attack, thief!Bakura says he understands now about how providing the spirit ka with heka makes the attack more powerful - he concludes from this that Mahado isn't just ANY kind of sorcerer, but a "spirit sorcerer". Forgive me if the difference between the former and the latter just looks like an extra word to me, guy. 

Mahado just kind of glares at him as he slowly emerges from the fog, and says that just like a wizard has ways of fighting so too does a thief. He then steps on a small button set in the floor. 

Whoops, watch your head.

Mahado has to duck out of the way of one of the blades as it swings back down, sweating and glaring past them at thief!Bakura, who smarms at him that he remembers all the traps of a tomb he's already robbed. Thief!Bakura claims it's ironic that he gets to use these traps to HIS advantage now, but I think it's just an annoying oversight on Mahado's part. I mean, seriously? YOU didn't think to study the traps in the tomb to use to your own advantage or at least disable them for that particular chamber during your fight, Mahado? I'm disappointed in you.

Thief!Bakura hops up on the blunt underside of one of those swinging axes, laughing all the way. Mahado is trying to take stock of the situation, noting that he can't move or he'll be sliced up, and if Diabound attacks now, he's done for. He calls to his Magus of Illusion to attack thief!Bakura, who rejects this attempt with another grin. It turns out that Diabound has appeared coiled around the shaft of the swinging blade directly in front of Mahado; he looks up and remarks on this with alarm as thief!Bakura commands Diabound to kill both Mahado and the magus.

Yukking it up, thief!Bakura tells Mahado he can regret his foolishness in Hell, and insists he'll never catch the great thief!Bakura in a thousand years. Mahado is still in the throes of searing pain from Diabound's attack while thief!Bakura jumps down from his perch to reiterate his plan to kill all the priests one-by-one and take their Millennium Items, and how it's all moving in the direction he wants so far. He's really going for the GOLD in premature gloating, isn't he? Mahado thinks on the pharaoh, the attack dispelling around him. Thief!Bakura hums in curiosity at the fact that Mahado isn't burnt to an ineffectual crisp by now. In fact, the guy looks pretty good for how much that blast was supposed to fuck him up. He's only hunching and panting a little as he stutters that he won't let any of thief!Bakura's plans happen. 

Thief!Bakura marvels in alarm that this guy is still alive after that. Meanwhile, Mahado explains that there's a spell a spirit sorcerer like him can cast only once, because it involves giving his life to fuse his ka and ba, the spirit monster with his soul. This really gets thief!Bakura's eyes bulging, and Mahado promises that his soul will be his pharaoh's eternal servant. Then he crosses his arm over his chest and mutters his spell, thief!Bakura staring on with astonishment.


Soooooo, it's NOT a last-minute fake-out?

Thief!Bakura stares a moment at the blood-smear on the walkway, taking a moment to smirk and say that it's one priest down. He then immediately switches back to pure eye-popping shock when he sees the magus solidly floating right in front of him, surrounded by a powerful aura. In disbelief, he questions how Mahado's ka can still be here when Mahado himself is dead, insisting that this cannot be. He rationalizes that this specter is just an "echo" and commands Diabound to finish it off.

But its eyes, which were hidden in the shadow of its hooded cloak before are now sharp and clear and FAMILIAR when they snap open.

Outside, the many guards and soldiers watch the tablet as the sun rises behind it, gaping. 

Back at the palace, Mahado's name is called in disbelief. The tablet now stands a distance in front of Yami's throne, facing it, as Siamun tries to haltingly explain what happened with it as the sun rose. Yami sweatdrops and stares in shock at the tablet. Priest Seto don't give a fuck, trying to shift the subject to if Mahado managed to kill thief!Bakura, if the Millennium Ring was stolen. The guards answer that they can't be sure, no body no crime and all that, but they DID watch the tomb and didn't see anyone escape from it. Yeah, that's not particularly reassuring when you're talking about a guy who's been known to get away through solid walls. 

Yami walks up to the tablet, face settled into stoic severity. 

Is your favorite monster actually a guy who sacrificed himself to become a monster and push a guy off a cliff? Bummer.

So, what did I think of this chapter overall? I was expecting Mahado to die and essentially become the Dark Magician, as I've said before, but I didn't expect it to happen THIS soon. I thought perhaps there would be a very public death maybe halfway through this division of the manga, and more of a buildup. This was so very sudden...

But it was GOOD. Like REALLY GOOD. Besides the weird lack of foresight Mahado had with the traps in the tomb, Mahado's death was an emotional catharsis that was fitting for his short arc. We didn't have a lot of time with Mahado, but I felt like the previous chapter gave him RT levels of expert speedy character development that work exceedingly well at showing us who he is and what his motivations are. I felt I could understand him and connect to him as a character well enough that, while this was a shocking escalation and end for him, it seemed well-timed regardless. It's got the color of senseless tragedy, because allowing himself to get cut down in his prime was an attempt to end this whole ordeal for Yami and the other priests, but his sacrifice will ultimately just slow down thief!Bakura.

Because we all know he's going to get out of that tomb with the Millennium Ring. The only question here is HOW. He's in a dark pit with no obvious way to look for the ring, and unless Diabound glows in the dark, I'm not sure there's a way for him to manage it. I hope there's not too much of a gloss-over of this daring escape, even if I'm not expecting thief!Bakura's adventure in the pit to be covered play-by-play in detail.

Speaking of detailed accounts here, it just occurred to me that this is supposed to be Yami's Memory World (TM). Is it a little strange that events he's not present for are shown to the audience in full specificity? Awkward, but we wouldn't have Mahado's very satisfying development without this happening so... maybe we'll just say the Millennium Items share a memory between themselves and their wielders, creating a collective memory record that is a semi-accurate representation of what really happened. 

I know, it's flimsy, but I'm going with it. I like Mahado's story a little too much for my own good.


  1. Behold:

    1. Sooooo... you're saying I should definitely start collecting? XD

  2. Sooo.... regarding the fact that events Yami is not present for is shown to the audience in full, I would pay attention to that. That's actually not a narrative flub on KT's part. I won't spoil it for you, but I will hint towards that for future plot developments because that point you noticed of the audience being shown events that are occurring without Yami being present is genuinely significant and completely intentional on KT's part.

    Also, if you start collecting, Summoned Skull has gotten a little love in the form of the archfiend cards and retrains. Funny enough, the archfiend archetype is the first one in the game, though it's not very good unfortunately, but it is fun. Summoned Skull does have better support though than just archfiends, if you want to play a Summoned Skull deck. KT actually did an anniversary alternative art for Summoned Skull and it's one of my absolute favorite cards in the game. I think it's actually relatively cheap (like 10 dollars) but I'm not sure. I love all of the KT art cards, they're some of my favorite cards period. One thing that does make me sad though is that the artists for Yu-Gi-Oh! cards are not credited generally. Hopefully, Konami changes this practice one day because artists should be credited for their work. :^/ One the bright side, we also started getting "Lost Art" cards a few years ago (which are really just releases of the original uncensored Japanese artwork we never got) so those cards are really cool. I picked up the Lost Art Monster Reborn, Exodia set, Call of the Haunted, Offerings to the Doomed (I particularly like the art for this card), Solemn Judgement (which is an excellent card in tournament play), The Legendary Fisherman, Dark Magician Girl (it's another KT art, I really like the art for this card), Barrel Dragon, and Gemini Elf. They're given out at card shops for free when you get $30 of Yu-Gi-Oh! product, but you can also buy them on Tcgplayer. A lot of them are relatively cheap, you can grab them for 5 to 10 dollars. Others, like Dark Magician Girl and Monster Reborn, are extremely expensive (like $60). Konami did a 2021 re-release of Dark Magician Girl for people that missed it the first time (I think it's like 30 to 40 dollars on Tcgplayer which is still expensive but it's a little better if you were interested in grabbing one). You can get Mahad for cheap (a few dollars) on Tcgplayer, as well as Palladium Oracle Mana, which is yet another KT art card and one of my favorites. :^) There are also archetypes like the entity cards based on H.P. Lovecraft's mythos (I feel like you would like Outer Entity Nyarla in particular, it looks absolutely horrifying) that you'd enjoy collecting. :^)

    Also, recently Bandai released an Ultimagear Millennium Puzzle, you can get one for like 40 to 50 dollars on the USA Gundam Store. It's an actual legit 3D puzzle. You have to assemble the pieces by cutting them out from the runners and assembling them (no glue necessary, all you need are clippers), but once the pieces are put together, that's where the instructions end. It's super fun solving it, it took me several hours but I had blast with it. It's 33 pieces and it's super solid and held together well when solved. Now I have the Millennium Puzzle assembled sitting on my desk next to my wooden elephant from my grandma, and my Luffy, Mario, and Cloud figure. :^)

    I have given KT much of my money, in hindsight.

    1. Ooooooh, every time you mention that there's an explanation or secret to be revealed later in this story, I get ridiculously excited, lol! I have to thank you for that, because I always just assume KT just kind of flubbed it, so knowing that he didn't makes my anticipation of what's to come that much more potent.

      And I'm not quite ready to collect yet, if I'm honest, because I'm holding tight to my coin at the moment in case our insurance company doesn't want to cover a bit of water damage that happened last month. But, if and when I do start to look into getting a hold of some cards I really like, I'll definitely pull back up this post. This is some great information, and I have ALWAYS loved a lot of the art in trading cards - some GORGEOUS paintings exist out there for these games, YGO included, which I legit want to hang on my walls sometimes.

      And I've got an abundance of wall space now, so...

      I think I've seen ads for that 3D puzzle before! It's the absolute PERFECT idea for one of those, honestly, and it's good to know that it holds together so well without glue. The design process must have been a trip, lol! Sounds like a blast to put together too!

  3. Yeah I totally understand! Collecting cards is a very expensive hobby and honestly I was only able to gradually amass the collection I have over many, many years. Years ago, I used to play in Yu-Gi-Oh! tournaments and I was okay as a competitor. My last tournament was a regionals back in 2006. I won 5 out of 8 matches (which means I've won 62.5% of my games) in a Swiss format tournament (you're not immediately eliminated even if you lose, but then after 8 rounds only the top 8 players compete in single-elimination matches until a champion is declared) but I didn't make the top 8. After that, I became busy with school and life in general and well, physics is much more important to me than Yu-Gi-Oh! is. But I still love Yu-Gi-Oh! and even now, I love to play with a few friends of mine from time to time. I have an Instagram and I follow some Yu-Gi-Oh! pages so I kinda still have a rough idea of what the current rules and tournament meta is like more-or-less and what new cards have come out. Frankly though, I don't have the time or money to invest in being a competitive player these days, so I stick to the classic stuff with my friends (we have our own banlist and rules going to keep things fair between us) and just collecting what I like.

    Anyway, I apologize for rambling, the point of all of this is to say that I completely understand where you're coming from, especially because it is genuinely expensive to collect and I was only able to get my collection little by little over many years. :^)

    Yeah solving the puzzle was really cool! There are definitely some tricky bits but there is an overall logical path the puzzle follows that feels intuitive. It is actualy possible to "solve" the puzzle in appearance with only 31 pieces but it will feel loose and not hold together well, it won't feel solid. The pieces and overall puzzle are pretty much like the ones from the manga. It's something really cool I keep on my desk and I feel like it was worth the money in my opinion. :^)

    1. Oh, to have the priorities of a child without any responsibilities but a little bit of pocket money you can save up for those little trinkets like cards and toys. I continually resent having to watch my finances like a hawk so I can pay bills, when I'd much rather pay for cute stuff instead, lol! I guess it's part of growing up, and school/bills are infinitely worthwhile, but I long for the days when I didn't have to budget for all that kind of stuff! XD
