Thursday, June 24, 2021

Inuyasha Manga: 224 Relaxation

Speak for yourself, chapter! I haven't had half a second to relax since I started searching for a house. The market is so hot right now that houses I see on Tuesday are gone by Friday, with nary an opportunity for me to even schedule to see them. I literally have unsettling dreams about house-hunting and it's messing with my head. 

Luckily, I've grown a shit-ton of chamomile over the past few months, and I now have a lovely device that can boast dehydration among its many talents. So, I snipped a few chamomile flowers this morning and popped them into the Foodi for a few hours so I can make a cup of calming tea and chill for half a minute. Wish me luck.

Excuse me while I just stare wistfully at this idyllic image for a minute, wishing I could hang out on the grass like that right now.

Okay, I'm finished.

Inuyasha opens this chapter cursing that Naraku. He, Miroku and Sango are standing on the grounds of the last chapter's abandoned castle, long after Kikyou left it appears. Inuyasha complains that it looks like Naraku doesn't intend to return, and Miroku agrees, adding that moving the castle wouldn't make a difference anymore since the barrier can be busted open anytime now. Mumbling that he might be able to rip Naraku apart right now, Inuyasha reflects on how he was JUST about to finish Naraku off and internally curses again. The disappointment is palpable. 

A narrow sky transition panel, RT's favorite, takes us back to modern Tokyo, where Kagome is sitting in a classroom with an open textbook propped open in front of her. But her head's not in her shiny modern environment, as she's wondering instead if it was okay for her to come back. She thinks that maybe studying in her safe cushy amenity-laden world in such a carefree manner seems kind of inexcusable in comparison to the reality of her friends. 

Well, so much for being carefree...

And just like that we're back in the Sengoku era, where Inuyasha is glaring down at the well complaining that Kagome's late. I guess he didn't have ENOUGH to piss and moan about with the whole Naraku-getting-away business. He's got one foot up on the lip of the well as he asks if Kagome wasn't coming home soon. Sitting on an adjascent wall, Shippou answers that Kagome said she'd be gone two or three days. 

Miroku approaches with Sango trailing behind, telling Inuyasha not to get so worked up. Inuyasha retorts with the question of what Miroku's so calm about. Sango says it's not like this is the first time Naraku's disappeared, and suggests that Inuyasha should probably get some rest too. Looking dumbfounded, Inuyasha asks Sango just what she's talking about, claiming that he doesn't feel tired at all, unlike the frail humans in front of him. Miroku says that's just the thing; if they tried to keep up with his crazy ass, they'd be worn out. I added the "his crazy ass" part, but it was totally implied. Inuyasha glares, accusing MIROKU of being the one who's tired. That might have been an impressive deduction a couple of lines BEFORE Miroku admitted to just that, Inuyasha.

What I assume to be elsewhere, given Inuyasha isn't rushing in for a futile chat, Shinidamachuu are slinking around in the sky. 

Maybe he learned it from you - how else did Inuyasha miss that you were at the castle earlier?

Kikyou thinks about how she's had the shinidamachuu searching far and wide for Naraku's evil aura since the castle was abandoned, but so far they haven't sensed a barrier. She wonders how he could have hidden such a large malevolent presence, head inclined in contemplation.

Yet again we shift to a different location, at night this time. It's distinguishable as Kaede's village by the fact that Sango is sitting on a nearby hill gazing up at the stars. She's contemplating the fact that Naraku disappeared and Kohaku is still with him, asking herself just where he is. At this point, Miroku approaches her, saying her name, and she returns his greeting over her shoulder. 

In Kaede's house, she, Inuyasha and Shippou sit around the central fire, where she chuckles about Miroku going to make a move on Sango. Shippou says it certainly seems like he's going for it anyway, and he reckons Sango is secretly waiting for this as well; or rather, this is Kagome's hypothesis and Shippou is just repeating it like the impressionable little brat he is. He just hasn't gotten past the parrot stage yet, presumably.

Back on the hillside, Miroku has sat down next to Sango, suggesting she's worried about her brother. She admits to this hesitantly, and while Miroku acknowledges that her worry is reasonable, he advises her not to get too worked up over it. I'd like to see him try to say that to my own habitually-anxious generation. Hoo-boy, that would be a show! Sango side-eyes him, giving him a noncommittal kind of statement. He then says he can understand how she feels, then trails on the "but" at the end of his sentence. Again, Sango says little more than a word in response, peering at him warily. After a moment when Miroku is gazing up at the dark sky and Sango is staring at him out of her periphery, Miroku stands and moves to excuse himself, supposing she wants to be alone. 

Sango makes a confused noise, asking if that's really all. Miroku makes his own puzzled sound (and face) as she explains that she expected HE would come around under the pretense of consoling her, only to do something lecherous. 

He wouldn't want to be a disappointment as a PERVERT, after all. So fucking extra.

The sound of the resulting slap from Sango makes it all the way into Kaede's house, the old woman humming at the sound and Shippou impressed at how strong this one sounds. Inuyasha fidgets in irritation on the roof of the hut now, grumbling about how everyone is slacking off. 

Narrow sky transition panel back to the modern era! At the Higurashi shrine, Kagome pushes open a door to announce she's home. Souta trots up to greet her, following her march down the hall to ask if she knows what excitedly. She snaps at him not to talk to her, convinced she'll forget the stuff she memorized otherwise. She states that tomorrow is a mock math exam, something she needs to concentrate all night on... Or else.

... I've never seen a guy in a manga be THAT cavalier about what is undoubtedly a clear view of a girl's underwear before. To say nothing of how cavalier he has to be to not outwardly wonder how she managed to fall like that. Her limbs are all over the place...

Kagome sits herself upright to demand to know what Inuyasha is doing here, and when Inuyasha answers that he came to pick up her late ass, she gets right up in his face and yells that he's being nonsensical and she's got a test tomorrow. He just kind of leans back, perturbed, asking why she's so mad right now. Probably because she forgot everything she memorized before, just as she feared. 

Later on in the evening, a sigh issues from Kagome's bedroom window. She's scribbling in a workbook at her desk, but she's not exactly concentrating on it. Instead she's fuming about what's happening while she's up to her eyeballs in work. Inuyasha hovers around her, peering at her writing from every angle with what looks like a critical and curious eye. Kagome yells sit, Inuyasha slams into her bedroom floor, and she swings around in her swivel chair to call to her brother.

Souta leans into the room asking what's up, and Kagome bids him to keep Inuyasha company. He pulls an incredulous Inuyasha by the sleeve from his sister's room, suggesting they take a bath together. Kagome repeats her plea to Souta to take care of Inuyasha as they retreat down the hall, then returns to her desk to reopen her textbook. It's not long before she's yanked out of peaceful academic pursuit by a scream in disbelief about some sort of heat. 

Expert drawing of teenage girl attention, Inuyasha. You could win the gold in the ridiculous diversion olympics. 

Kagome throws her desk-side garbage bin at him and screams at him to get out, then melts in frazzled exhaustion over her workbook, complaining that she's forgotten all the formulas she was trying to learn. Cut your losses and head over to a friend's place, kiddo. Maybe headband will hit the books with you.

Downstairs, Inuyasha sits very much like a dog next to the table, where Souta is blow-drying out his hair and Kagome's grandfather browses the paper. Kagome's mother steps into the room with a plate of something, asking the curious Inuyasha if he's staying for dinner. It's just when Kagome looks up and notices that the house has gotten rather quiet when she hears another yelp questioning what this is that her face collapses into annoyance again. Inuyasha has barged into her room again, her mother with the plate not far behind supposing she shouldn't have given him curry. Inuyasha sticks out his tongue, blabbering around it that it hurts now. Kagome just flatly reminds him that he's the same guy who would pretend a hole in his chest isn't a big deal. The fairest of points. 

Later, Inuyasha sits cross-legged on her bed, STARING at the back of her head. Kagome understandably sweatdrops, looking a bit tense, even from behind. She turns to hum at him, about to broach the subject of his scrutiny, and he asks what it is, considering he's not being noisy. She feels that being watched quietly is a bit distracting too, but instead of saying so, she suggests to him that he lie down. He sardonically accepts this invitation, only to suggest in turn that the dipshit at the desk should get back to studying already, since they're going back tomorrow. She deflates and obeys her weird drill sergeant. 

But she's still pretty uneasy, glancing out of her periphery every once in a while, wondering if he plans to watch her all night. She imagines bitterly that he could, with his monster endurance. After a long bout of uncomfortable silence, though, she HAS to look over her shoulder again. Kagome is in utter shocked disbelief that Inuyasha has indeed laid down and appears to be snoozing away. She stands in front of him, glaring, hands on hips, wondering what's with this guy interfering with her studies. Sleeping as he is. The NERVE. 

Her expression softens, though.

Probz by design. He doesn't want people pinching those adorable cheeks while he's trying to get some shut-eye.

Kagome sits down next to the bed, propping her elbows on the edge of the mattress and gazing at Inuyasha while he sleeps. You know, like a creep. She supposes he's the one who's been the most exhausted, and silently encourages him to sleep without worries, at least for tonight. 

What happened to your sleeping bag, princess? The couch? I'm sure there was SOMEWHERE you could have slept.

So, what did I think of this chapter overall? RT's unfortunate habit of rapid-firing a bunch of micro-scenes and giving me whiplash is at a PEAK in this one, so that was a bit rough. At least it's clear that most of it is sequential and not all supposed to be happening simultaneously, so that makes it easier to digest. It's also not high-stakes ACTION with tension, quite the opposite, and that helps to make it all feel like a slower flow rather than a snap of the neck every five seconds. Overall, not unbearable. 

I'm a little disappointed that the opportunity wasn't taken to flesh out the meager reaction Sango had to Kohaku's most recent disappearance in the previous chapter. Instead Sango's worry acts as a foundation for another "Miroku is a pervert" joke. While I realize that I shouldn't expect very heavy or deep content out of a chapter named "Relaxation", I'm also not sure what purpose Miroku's flirtatious shenanigans are supposed to serve in the concept either - whenever I've been sexually harassed by a guy/suspected I'm going to be sexually harassed by a guy, I've been very tense and NOT relaxed. 

Still, he didn't seem totally insincere in his discussion with Sango about her feelings. Despite Shippou's speculations that Miroku was just going up there to hit on Sango, Miroku didn't pick a light and easy topic of conversation, tried to empathize and offer advice, and was prepared to walk away when he couldn't maintain the awkward one-sided talk. Granted, he was a tiny bit condescending with his suggestion that she try not to worry so much, but otherwise I think he offered a reliable shoulder, so I'd say he gave it a genuine try to put Sango at ease. His reputation precedes him though, so it's no wonder Sango regarded him with suspicion at first.

I really enjoyed the latter part of the chapter with Inuyasha bugging the SHIT out of Kagome. Not only was it just funny, but it reminds us in an entertaining way that Inuyasha is, at his core, a 15-year-old boy. His behavior is typical of any teenager poking his girlfriend to get her attention, ESPECIALLY when she's busy and doesn't have the time for his shit. We needed that reminder too, because whenever they're traipsing around in the wilds trying to find and kill Naraku, he's always trying to puff-up and look tough. It's nice to see him just get to be... a kid.

I cannot stress enough how good I think RT is at writing characters as their ages, not accidentally making them too mature or too juvenile, but right where they should be mentally. This chapter is really a highlight of that, and it's always a joy to read. Take note fantasy writers - I see you guys out there writing babies like they're 30 and the elderly like hyperactive teens. The bar has been raised and people are still slamming into it for some reason...

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