Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Yu-Gi-Oh Manga: 147 The Lost Cards!

What did they go and lose them for?? Kaiba's renewed presence in this story indicates a heavy card-slant in this new arc, and I can guarantee that any cards that can be grabbed will be useful. Otherwise, whomever doesn't have a card to spare isn't going to get one iota of time in this one. I hope that the person who lost those cards wasn't hoping to have a part in the manga for a while, because they're screwed now.

Either that, or some Egyptian artist predicted the most mundane thing ever - cowlicks.

Kaiba becomes somewhat upset, demanding to know how Yuugi's image can possibly be on a so-called "ancient" Egyptian artefact. Isis admits she doesn't know anyone named Yuugi, but HAS always thought that the engraving of the pharaoh on the tablet had almost appeared to be alive throughout the years. She drones about how her home country was a glorious kingdom that lasted through more than three thousand years, and how the pharaoh depicted on the tablet in front of them is from the 18th Dynasty. Kaiba's shock appears to extend to the description of what he sees as Yuugi as a pharaoh, and Isis confirms this tablet is supposed to depict a pharaoh.

She explains that the name of this pharaoh was originally carved into an ellipse on the tablet, but the picture of the ellipse looks like that name has been chipped out of there. Isis says that someone carved it out, in addition to everywhere else in the tomb where the name was recorded. This has resulted in this pharaoh having been erased from Egyptian history, something that has ACTUALLY happened to real historical figures in Egypt. Isis stares intently at this particular anonymous king from three-thousand years ago as Kaiba's expression turns angry.

He refuses to acknowledge that the person on the tablet is a pharaoh, insisting that it's Yuugi, and that Isis's talk is all foolishness. Yeah, sure, challenge the expert on her area of expertise, and call HER the foolish one. So rational. He asks Isis how Yuugi could possibly be a pharaoh from three-thousand years past, despite the fact that she STILL doesn't know who the hell Yuugi is, and rants about how she can't prove the tablet is three-thousand years old because the DNA from the people who supposedly carved it would be long gone by now and she can't use carbon dating on the rocks.

Isis, please smack the shit out of this stupid-ass mansplainer for me, won't you? I would do it myself, but you know, I'm three-dimensional and everything.

She does me one better, calmly telling Kaiba that there's really no need for him to be so emotional over this, especially since he hasn't even calmed down and looked closely enough to realize that this tablet ALSO concerns him personally yet. Maintaining professionalism AND shutting down a hysterical Kaiba. She could call HERSELF a queen and I'd totally see it. Anyway, while she stands in quiet dignity, Kaiba peers at the tablet again and puts back on his shock, because no one told him that EMOTIONAL rollercoasters are the kinds that aren't fun.

He's taken more notice of the priest in the mural, and Isis begins to explain that that young man facing the pharaoh looks an awful lot like Kaiba before he shouts at her to shut up.

Neither is your screaming, Kaiba. Stop throwing a fucking tantrum, you gigantic BABY.

But as we all know well enough, Kaiba has no sense of proportional response, and declares that Duel Monsters existing three-thousand years before is just ridiculous. Isis fires back at him that the Tarot was created by someone who based the deck off Egyptian hieroglyphs, which would be a perfectly valid point about a little thing called "inspiration" existing, except she goes on to imply that it, and Pegasus's creation of Duel Monsters, was fate. For some reason, Kaiba doesn't object to the obvious leap in terminology and logic here and just thinks Pegasus's name as though it has him actually considering Isis's talk on fate. Make up your mind, Kaiba. Do you believe her or not? Stop waffling.

After a moment of gazing at the images of both Yuugi and Kaiba on the stone, Isis suggests that fate is also what led the young priest and pharaoh all the way into the present. Kaiba turns his back on her to leave, stating that the Minister of Egyptian Archaeology is wasting both their time on talking about fantasies and magic. Kaiba states he's a very busy man and could be using this time to work on his holograms. Isis says that she understands only to have Kaiba rudely snap at her to make her point. Isis complies, asking if he knew that Pegasus left behind a legendary Duel Monsters card.

NOW it seems believable that Kaiba whirls around, disbelief on his face as he repeats the phrase in his head, probably because he's astounded he didn't inherit it when Pegasus bit the big one. Isis points up at the tablet again, telling Kaiba to look, and Kaiba gapes at where she's indicating.

This boy is such a spaz...

Isis explains that Pegasus created three cards based off the god carvings on this very tablet, and Kaiba looks at her with an almost wary awe, like he knows he's going to be freaking out again REAL soon. She continues with the names of the three gods depicted; Obelisk, Osiris and Ra, and this time with FEELING! Isis goes into philosophy mode when telling Kaiba all about how each one represents a different duality of the universe, such as Obelisk's light and dark, Osiris's good and evil, and Ra's sky and earth. I can sense that an affinity will be shared with each unique wielder of each card already.

Describing the hypothetical owner of all three of them as unbeatable, a defeater of all duelists, and earner of the title of "King of Games", Isis sure knows how to get Kaiba's attention. He's looking pretty hungry right now, and I don't think it's for a meal. Kaiba asks her who has the cards now, and Isis doesn't appear to answer. Instead she talks about PREVENTING someone from owning all three at once by borrowing Kaiba's power. He's shocked by this, as per usual, as Isis explains that Pegasus considered the god cards his biggest mistake because their owner wields the immense power of a god. Kaiba repeats this phrase in his head, and it's awfully surprising that there's no boner sound effect accompanying it.

Isis just drones on about the cards' owner being able to cause much good or evil, the latter kind of heart being able to take away lives, and the cards themselves becoming the ultimate weapon. Meanwhile, Kaiba is silently interpreting the droning to mean that these god cards can possibly do direct damage to an opponent, as the LEGENDS say.

Oh yeah, I forgot this card game is basically a religion instead of an invention, the rules of which are the whims of some corporate douchebags looking to sell a card for a shit ton of money. Unless, of course, the legend Kaiba is referring to was the rumor started by Pegasus that some cool cards would be coming out that new rules said would be able to attack player points directly and they never came out. I'm guessing it's the former explanation, though.

How can you fail at destroying a card? What did he make the things out of? Titanium?? I mean, holy crap, I knew Pegasus was garbage, but not THIS much garbage.

Isis exposits that Pegasus entrusted the cards to the Ministry of Egyptian Archaeology, and they put them separately in three different places throughout the Valley of the Kings, presumably because they thought the white idiot who presented them with trading cards to protect was a bit touched in the head and decided it would be kind to humor him. How nice. Isis tells Kaiba someone stole the cards from where they were put, which Kaiba is strangely quiet about, though there IS another exclamation point above his head. He's not even screaming anymore when he presumes out loud that even Pegasus was afraid of their power, so it stands to reason that not many people should know of their existence. Except those who listen to LEGENDS, apparently. He asks who stole the cards.

When Isis says that ghouls stole the cards, Kaiba's face goes right back into horror-mode, even as Isis says he should know about them. Kaiba immediately launches into a description of said "ghouls", an organization with members all over the world dedicated to stealing Duel Monsters cards. That sounds like the least threatening gang in the whole world to me, but Kaiba is looking like he's shitting his pants when he asks for confirmation that THEY'RE the ones who stole these things. He immediately calms his shit, though, explaining further that the cards are stolen by these ghouls, then resold underground for large profits. Why... would anyone sell CARDS underground? THEY'RE CARDS, NOT MILITARY GRADE AUTOMATIC WEAPONS OR COCAINE!!

Kaiba has even heard that they counterfeit cards to sell for money too! The scandal! The nerve! He muses on how these card thieves are like the real-life version of the Muslim folkloric creatures they've named themselves after, who were said to feast of dead flesh and rob graves. Okay, first, the stealing and robbing are the only thing that those two types of ghouls really have in common here. Second, how the fuck does Kaiba know ANYTHING about Muslim folklore?

He decides he can't forgive them for stealing three god cards that he suddenly believes in, despite the fact that he was questioning everything ELSE Isis was saying earlier. Your are a pillar of logic, Kaiba, truly. Isis informs him that the power of the ghouls is the reason she needs his help, and he gapes back at her like he only just realized she was talking. She claims she needs to get those cards back for Pegasus's last wishes and the sovereignty of the Egyptian government. Not sure what the latter has to do with this. Is it going to be occupied if you don't get those cards back?

You know Yuugi's poop-face? This is Kaiba's version of that. I'm just surprised he has any shit left up there, with how big a dump he took when he heard about the ghouls.

Isis says the Ministry of Egyptian Archaeology chose Domino City to house their exhibit because they want people to know the true origin of Duel Monsters, and believe that the tablet has the power to bring duelists together. Kaiba smirks, asking if he's correct in assuming she wants him to turn the city into a dueling stage. Before she answers, he starts contemplating aloud how it could actually lure the ghouls who would want a tournament participant's rare cards, like his Blue Eyes White Dragon.

You guys remember he has the Blue Eyes White Dragon, doncha??

Isis pulls out a card, holding it out to Kaiba as she says that all his musing is exactly why she wanted to give it to him. Yet again, he's freaking out, exclamation points on the end of his unfinished thought about what this card is.

Is... Is he CRYING?

Such a spaz, that boy!

Isis explains that only two of the three cards were stolen, and she's willing to lend him the third in order to get back the other two. While holding the card up in front of his face, Kaiba thinks something that I can't really read, then he lowers Obelisk to smirk at Isis again, asking if she trusts him. He says he might just decide not to give Obelisk or the other two cards once he's got them all. Nice of him to warn her how much of a piece of shit he is, but she takes the warning in stride, saying she trusts him with all her heart. Awwwww, sweeeeeeeet! Not sure if Kaiba deserves that, but Isis is being cute here.

Kaiba scoffs as he turns to leave again, boot-heels clacking as he strides out of the exhibit. He gets in his car again, door held for him by his own secret service servant, and as the car speeds out of there, Kaiba cackles about his new acquisition. Spaz.

Back at the hospital, Yuugi is leaning on some railing lining the roof, totally stoked he gets to leave the hospital today. He states that Jonouchi and the others had to go to school in the morning, but they'll come back to play with him in the afternoon. A nearby nurse whispers to another about how that weird kid has been talking to himself for quite some time as they gather the washing from the lines on the roof. Yuugi don't give a shit, because Yami IS actually hanging out with him there as they stare at the horizon.

After a moment of quiet contemplation of the skyline, Yami tells Yuugi he has to thank him. Yuugi is confused by this, so Yami explains that Yuugi had put his life in danger trying to put the puzzle back together in the fire. Speechless for a moment, Yuugi tells Yami that the one who actually saved them was Jonouchi, in dragging their sorry asses out of there. Yami says that's right and they have some really good friends, which Yuugi agrees with, but with a somber expression. He asks for Yami's attention, Yami granting it with a mystified look, and tells him that asshole!Bakura said the one who solves the Millennium Puzzle has a responsibility to awaken the pharaoh's memories. With some hesitation, he asks Yami if he is indeed a pharaoh.

Yami stays silent as Yuugi looks to him for an answer, but all Yami can tell him is that he doesn't know who he is or where he came from. Yuugi is shocked by this, while Yami says all he really knows is that he exists because Yuugi put the puzzle together, and that in the Valley of the Kings is a tablet that supposedly holds some information. He doesn't get to finish before Yuugi starts throwing a fit, shouting that they should just stop talking about it. Jeez, what is with all these characters and their tantrums today? Yuugi swings around, forcing a jovial tone as he shouts that they should get out of that hospital and go play with Jonouchi and the others.

Yuugi is stopped dead by Yami continuing patiently, saying that he wants to stay with Yuugi forever, even if that means never recovering his memories at all.

Man, I'm getting DIABETES from all the sugary sweetness going on here!

After a beat, Yami draws Yuugi's attention to their friends running into hospital below, and Yuugi immediately dries his tears, excited that they showed up early. They call Yuugi's name, and he beams at them.

Diabetes I tell you!

So, what did I think of this chapter overall? The end definitely resolves the only problem I had with Anzu's revelations at the beginning of the last chapter. Now I know Yuugi is having the same painful realizations around the vague issue of Yami's inevitable departure, and that he's even MORE torn up over it than Anzu is, which is understandable. His way of testing the waters of the subject and then immediately trying to back out of the conversation was typically childish too, and justified in that I can't be sure I wouldn't be doing the same thing. It's a delicate subject, and Yuugi didn't like the way Yami's answer sounded like it might indicate finding Yami's lost identity might mean their separation.

And it seems like Yami might not like the thought of that outcome either, given how he indicated he would forego finding that identity if it meant he would get to stay with Yuugi forever. While this is kind of adorable on its surface, it indicates a couple of more obscure issues. One is that Yami is actually quite scared of figuring out who he is, presumably because he's afraid Pagasus was correct and he's an "evil" in the puzzle. Recovering his memories means risking finding out some rather... unsavory information as well. Another is that he's grown comfortable being here, attached to Yuugi and the life he has with him, and selfishly wants to cling to that. He also risks learning that he has a responsibility to return to his old identity and won't be able to reconcile it with the new one he's now built. We'll have to see if that's an issue.

As for the beginning of the chapter... You know, people often joke about how a damn card game would be so important to the world in this series, and I DON'T think it's such a difficult element for me to swallow in the story. There's plenty of things in our universe that are massively important and I will never, for the life of me, understand why. I mean, football/soccer is a big enough thing that the players can get away with MURDER a lot of the time, and that is also just a game, so it's not such a stretch for me to believe that Duel Monsters might rise to a level of fanatic following that fans of, say, the World Cup has amassed over the decades. I could TOTALLY see Pegasus or Kaiba as a sort of Sepp Blatter of Duel Monsters.

That being said, no one has ever formed gangs around stealing rare soccer balls and selling them on a black market for soccer balls. No one, to my knowledge, has ever prayed to, or seriously invoked, a god of football at games or matches. There aren't legends about a goal that will do something special for the team during the game that don't fall in for regular rules. My suspension of disbelief is kind of cut down when a religion appears to be BUILT around a central game, unless it's set up as a form of worship early on, which this one most certainly has not.

Speaking of religions, how DOES Kaiba know anything about Islam? I thought he was all about technology and the future, so what's he doing carrying around random mythology in his head? He just knows whatever the plot NEEDS him to know, doesn't he? Just like how he reacts and believes however the plot needs him to. Just slap him with the expressions and dialogue no one ELSE wants and watch him go!

*Note on the strike-throughs: Read below for further discussion on this topic, where Kailyn Mei elaborates on why card counterfeiters and underhanded dealings in the trading card and gaming world isn't as unbelievable as I thought.


  1. Hello from France :) (and sorry for my broken, weird english :p)

    I really like your YGO reviews, they're really fun to read. However, I don't totally agree when you say "no one has ever formed gangs around stealing rare soccer balls and selling them on a black market for soccer balls.". Well, I don't know for soccer balls. I'm not into sports. But they're people who steal cards (during tournament or in game shops) and even make counterfeit cards. I don't know if we could say "gang", but organized crime groupings in some case is a strong possibility. And even individual do that, of course.

    I was on eBay two weeks ago. I know eBay isn't a blackmarket, however I saw someone selling a Horakhty card in french. Very beautiful, foiled. But, hey, the starting price was like 0.99 euro, so it was... weird. Plus, Horakhtky only came in OCG (the japanese version of YGO Duel Monsters game) and worth a lot. I mean A LOT! Not like some cards that worth more than 10000$, but they're not cheap. 700$ on TCG Republic and more than 800$ on eBay. So I checked and it was an ORICA (a fake & custom card, not really legal...). Of course, the seller didn't sell it as an ORICA but as a real YGO card. So we have that card, with a 0.99 euro starting price. By the ends of the auction, the price was... 82 € ! OMG. For a fake, illegal card. I also saw people on Youtube complaining because they had bought complete box of fake YGO cards and I don't think this fake cards had been manufactured by someone in his basement. They're really accurate, except for the color of the back too orangish. It's a real plague and I freaked out and checked my YGO cards, because I wasn't sure anymore if they were geniune or not.

    I don't really know about fake YGO cards specificaly and black market, but I always hear, in France, that fake merchandising for japanese stuff (or famous fashion brands) are manufectured by criminal organisation as a way for money laundering and, of course, making (easy) money. I suppose it's not their sole activity, so you right, no gang about stealing and selling cards, but, still... Sellers of one of our most famous Manga & anime convention (Japan Expo) sell a lot of counterfeit products and nobody really care. Since the mangaka should know about fake YGO cards, and even other fake cards (I think he's a Magic The Gathering fan or something like that), I wouldn't be surprise if part of that Ghouls storyline was inspired by that. But I could be wrong. :)

    That being said, I supposed you'll not be killed by someone for a YGO card in real life! But, I remember when the PS2 came to France. I went to a mall with my parents for buying one (I was still in middle school, btw). The mall's security staff gave us a white paper bag, in order to hide the PS2, because... people was attacked for it by gangs outside of the mall (I'm not JOKING), as you could resell them for a shitload of money. Since YGO is apparently the number one game in YGO world, with holographic system provided by KaibaCorp, since some card value in real world can be more than 1000$-10000$ and maybe even more in YGO world, I don't think the ghouls concept is totally over the top! In fact, I found the Battle City storyline too... nice by moments. Ghouls could have done worse than just stealing cards! If I were Takahashi, Ghouls would kill for Duel Disks.

    Eh, maybe Kaiba is afraid about that : "oh, shit, I just realised my first Duel Disk, and these crazy thugs are going to kill people in my tournament. I knew I should have used serial number and geographic tracking, but the security department was like 'oh, no, who would want to steal a dueldisk? It's just a children card games, Seto-sama, people won't do that'. Someone'll be fired by the end of the day and I'll blast every single ghouls with my new god card, even if I don't believe in magic and gods!" (sorry XD just overthinking this)

    1. Welcome to the blog, Kailyn Mei! Thanks for visiting and enjoying my ramblings! And don't worry about weird English; you may not have noticed, but my English also gets weird from time to time, and I'm a native speaker. There are actually quite a few typos in the very post you commented on, things I have to go back and fix.

      I understood what you were saying just fine, too, and thank you for saying it! I come from a place of not being interested in trading card games or even collecting, so I'm quite ignorant in many respects to what goes on in the community or behind the scenes. Now that you've explained to me how much a lot of these cards can go for, and the counterfeiting that can take place at a level of professionalism so convincing, the ghouls in the manga don't seem so ridiculous to me. Although, the question of counterfeiting DOES remind me of a little snag back in Duelist Kingdom that still hasn't been explained: Kaiba's talk about a chip in the cards that allows them to be holographically manifested with his Duel Disk to begin with. Not only is it never really justified why any cards older than Kaiba's hologram technology would have a chip in them, but it also suggests that someone would have to have reverse-engineered that technology in order to create a convincing copy.

      From what you said, this isn't outside the realm of possibility, but KT has yet to mention the brilliant engineers as well as artists who would have to be part of the Ghouls in order to make this operation a truly formidable one (making the result, as you said, a bit too NICE). Maybe he will, later in the arc, but so far all he's really gotten to is the dueling thieves that go up against legitimate duelists in order to take their rare cards. It would be SO interesting if we learned that someone at Kaiba Corp was working for the ghouls in much the same way that one of Mokuba's bodyguards was working for Pegasus, and they ended up killing to make off with the technology like you suggested in order to further the means of their organization. Then we could get a cool mystery outlining how Yami and Kaiba find them out, with all of the intrigue that goes with that.

      But, until that or something similar happens, I'm stuck with headcanon, and I'm not a fan of that, haha!

  2. Kaiba hears that magic exists and immediately loses all interest, only to immediately regain interest at the idea of fighting the Egyptian Trading Card Mafia. The inner workings of his mind are an enigma.

    The English dub actually made an error here (actually at the end of DK), one I'm not sure exists in the sub. At the end of Duelist Kingdom, Yugi asks Atem who he is and Atem posits that he has had many names such as Pharaoh or Yu-Gi-Oh, but says that Yugi can call him Yami. Unfortunately, he shouldn't know he's pharaoh, Yu-Gi-Oh is literally the title he got from Duelist Kingdom, and Yami isn't his name as much as it is a way of distinguishing between the regular Yugi and the "Dark" Yugi! 4Kids!

    On the note of the dub, Osiris is called Slifer the Sky Dragon in English, named after executive producer of the dub Roger Slifer. Why? I dunno. Kinda weird, honestly!

    1. I don't know, I feel like Kaiba is really rather simple; anything that complies with his already established worldview is automatically accepted and embraced, and is all the better if it means he gets to use his "superior" skills and resources to grind people into the dirt, lol! I put "superior" in quotes primarily because I feel like this dude is actually quite bad at this game when it suits the plot!

      Honestly, I don't know why they don't just stick with the manga's habit of them calling each other "partner", since it kind of gets across the relationship nicely and it could easily be a natural title they could fall into being so close. It's still odd that there's not much direct discussion about WHO the hell is living in his head on Yuugi's part, but still, I can see it.

      Weird that VIZ's translation also calls that thing Slifer; did it follow the dub?

  3. Of note here is how intimidating Obelisk’s stats are at this juncture in the manga — under Duelist Kingdom rules both players started with 2000 LP, and under the upcoming Battle City rules both players start with 4000 LP. Obelisk having 4000 ATK makes him capable of a one-hit KO if he gets the opportunity to attack the opponent directly — at this point the only two monsters I know of that are stronger are both fusions (Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon has 4500 ATK, Five-Headed Dragon has 5000 ATK).

    In the irl card game both players start off with 8000 LP so Obelisk can’t quite pull off a one hit KO, but having half the life points knocked out of you is definitely still something to watch out for.

    1. That possibility would certainly make ME wary!
