Sunday, June 5, 2016

Yu-Gi-Oh Manga: 021 Digital Pet Duels

The 21st day of Yu-Gi-Oh commences! Over the past three weeks, I have reviewed storylines on bullying, friendship, gangs, various gaming trends, and ancient Egyptian magical artifacts. Most of these themes are guaranteed to return, but what does this chapter in particular have in store for readers? Well, if the ending of the last chapter is any indication, it must be something super exciting! Why else would Takahashi gloss over Yoshimori's injured state? He must have something really cool in store!


Tamagochi?  That's what we're working with? Wow, disappointment right out of the starting gate. I haven't experienced that since Chapter 2. Oh well, at least we can check one of those themes (various gaming trends) off the list. Of course, that hasn't been a gaming trend since... what? 1996? Man this chapter is DATED. It has been wined and dined and it's going back to its partner's place for some good old lovin'.

When Yuugi reaches his classroom, he's greeted by Jonouchi, Anzu and Honda, and Jonouchi notes that Yuugi has a virtual pet just like him. Yuugi confirms this, saying his is very happy, and asks how Jonouchi's is. Jonouchi says it's healthy. They're doing better with theirs than I ever did with mine.

Yuugi shows everyone his pet, which swallows some of his e-food while everyone watches. Jonouchi and Anzu comment on the fact that the pet has Yuugi's spiky head, and Yuugi says that he supposes it does. He tells everyone that his pet's name is "Yuu2." Can I get it to perform some "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" or "Desire" perhaps?

Yuugi thinks it's weird that he's gotten so attached to the little digital creature over the time he's been taking care of it, but I think he'll think he's weird for any old normal thing. He asks to see Jonouchi's pet.

Yuugi tells his friends (and the audience *ahem*) that the pets are all unique to how the owner raises them and he loves that about the pets. He turns to Honda to ask if he's got a fun unique pet too, but Honda says he's got himself a real pet to worry about. She's a dog that's currently in heat, so it's been even more trying these days, and Honda congratulates Yuugi on his virtual pet not causing him THAT kind of trouble.

Which brings Yuugi around to the topic of how the virtual pets actually have a mating function. I'm guessing this is the very reason why Honda didn't get his dog fixed like a sensible pet-owner. Yuugi points to the connection ports on the bottom of the keychain, which allows pets to visit each other and exchange personality data, so they can become more unique. Sounds more like horizontal gene transfer than MATING, but okay, Yuugi.

Honda must have missed all the other blatantly gay interactions these two have had over the course of the story so far. Everyone already knows that these two have a burning passion for each other in between panels. Of course, as much as I'm starting to ship it, they really SHOULD at least wait for the end of class to get their freak on. "Immediately" is not necessary, Jonouchi.

They go ahead and get busy... connecting the ports on the ends of their keychains. The kids all watch as Jonouchi and Yuugi's pets look at each other, meet in Yuugi's pet's screen, and Jonouchi's monster proceeds to kick Yuugi's pet like a bully. Yuugi deflates and Jonouchi admits that his pet is pretty terrible. Anzu declares that the pet has definitely taken after his master.

That was only the initial impression, though, because after a moment Yuugi tells his friends that the pets are now getting along. Once Yuugi confirms that the data transfer between the two pets is done, and Jonouchi's pet returns to its screen, they disconnect their pets. Yuugi says that the pets will grow more unique because of their play date, and Jonouchi hopes that means his pet will become cute like Yuu2.

Yuugi looks at the screen, asking it a rhetorical question about what kind of data it got from Jonouchi's pet. Yuu2 just shrugs.

As much as this depiction of the virtual pet's world doesn't make sense, it's REALLY adorable. At least, until it starts jumping up and down and cowering over seemingly nothing. Yuugi says that Yuu2 looks scared, just before he's greeted by someone approaching he and his friends.

Oh, hey, Dudley Dursley. I didn't know you were a bad guy in this story too. Man, this archetype gets around...

Kujirada says that he's ALWAYS had a virtual pet, because he's a hipster who liked them before they were cool. He also says that his virtual pet is special, and Jonouchi challenges his assertion, asking if it's got a pedigree or something. OH SNAP. Kujirada just replies that his digital pet is a "hidden character." When everyone repeats the phrase in confusion, he explains that hidden characters are rare pets that could be glitches or viruses, but all the same, if you perform a certain special ritual with your pet, draw a sigil on the ground with candles and all that jazz, then your pet becomes a "special character!"

Nah, I'm just fucking with you. He gives some vague criteria that includes his personality, something that I'm not sure how an LCD screen could absorb, but whatevz. Kujirada declares that he's entered the right combination of stimuli, and has discovered a special character in his toy. Jonouchi thinks that Kujirada is stupid, but admits in his head that he kind of wants to see it. Luckily, Yuugi's pride isn't based on feigning disinterest in things he actually likes, and asks Kujirada to show them.

Kujirada agrees and holds up his pet for them to see. They all lean in and see...

Yuugi, what does "it has intensity" even mean? Are you talking about it's goofy pose? Jonouchi asks that question that I'm dying to know the answer to as well, and Kujirada draws attention to the star-mark on his pet's belly. Besides this, he points to the fact that the average pet only lives for twenty days, but Kujirada's has been alive for around two months. He declares his pet is the ultimate pet.

Anzu rightly tells him that these things aren't really much to brag about, because star and long life or not, every pet is special to their owner. Kujirada doesn't even have the courage to call her a sore loser to her face, probably because he knows that his opinion of her has a VERY obvious rebuttal. Yuugi isn't paying attention, but looking at his beeping pet, wondering what had it so scared a couple of pages ago.

Later, Kujirada is asleep at his house, with a nightcap on and everything, when his pet beeps to wake him up. He doesn't understand why it's asking to be fed again, since he only just fed it five minutes before. Forget about simulating pet-ownership - this thing is treating him like a brand new mother. Kujirada complains that he can't sleep, encouraging it to eat again even though it's been so short a time. Then he notes that the pet looks bigger than it did before.

I wasn't going to say this before... but the little pill with "E" on it... What, are these kids feeding their pets molly?? No wonder they normally only live for twenty days! And no wonder this pet is looking for something else to gorge himself on. His words are actually audible to his master, who dismisses them at first because digital pets shouldn't be able to speak.

The pet denies that it is one, claiming instead that Kujirada is the pet instead. Kujirada is still flabbergasted by how he's even hearing the creature behind the screen talk in the first place. Think it's the lack of sleep getting to you, kid? Regardless, the little monster continues on his tangent, stating that the more he eats, the bigger he gets, and eventually he'll be big enough to take care of Kujirada instead. Oh, that's nice, having a monster to take care of you... wait...

Does he mean he'll take care of Kujirada in the murder sense? This is a pretty creepy hallucination you're having kid. Throw that thing out the window, lay down, and get some rest.

I'm guessing my advice isn't penetrating that fourth wall, because the next day rolls around to find Jonouchi whining about how his pet's screen is blank. He says he just left it alone for a moment, but when he came back, his pet and all its data was gone. Sitting at a desk, Kujirada is chuckling, and inside his keychain, so is his engorged pet. It declares that pets taste better than ecstasy and are much better for him, but he's still hungry. He just decides to invite more pets into his apartment for some fava beans and a nice chianti.

The pet's hunger beep appears to have a hypnotic effect on Kujirada, and the moment he hears it, he turns to Anzu and demands that she give him her pet. She refuses, so he just goes to snatch it off her desk, encouraging his pet to go ahead and eat the whole thing. Anzu's peach-like creature doesn't stand a chance.

Yuugi is appalled that Kujirada's pet ate Anzu's and Kujirada's pet beeps in hunger once more. At first, Kujirada seems dumbfounded, but he quickly recovers to fulfill his pet's wishes, commanding Yuugi give him his pet as well while grabbing it from his hand. Kujirada tells Yuugi to be happy, because Yuu2 will be assimilated or something. Yuugi watches from the other side of the screen helplessly as Yuu2 is confronted by Kujirada's pet, who thinks Yuu2 looks delicious.

Yuugi shouts at his pet to run, and it does just that, but Kujirada's pet is catching up, defying the expectations that his size should make him slower. It laughs evilly, catching Yuu2 in a clawed hand as Yuugi plays an overly invested commentator. Kujirada's pet brings Yuu2 up to its mouth, preparing to eat, but just as Yuugi is giving up hope, a strange beeping emits from the keychains, and Yuugi identifies that it's the sound of a pet evolving. He wonders if it's Yuu2 who's evolving.

Kujirada's pet hesitates and watches Yuu2's change with its normal hideous grin collapsed.

There's... a Yami Yuu2? Wait... no, it would be...

Okay, this requires a lot more thought than I was expecting. This is clearly the Yami to Yuugi's Yuu2, because the appearance, physical and timing wise, is so similar to actual Yami. However, it was set up earlier with Jonouchi's pet and Yuu2 exchanging information. This transformation is clearly due to Jonouchi's pet's influence earlier on. So is this story meant to mirror that of the first chapter, in that Jonouchi's influence on Yuugi is directly responsible for Yami's appearances later? After all, the first meeting of Jonouchi's pet and Yuu2 was negative, but shortly became positive enough for them to exchange data. You could draw a parallel between Jonouchi's taking the puzzle piece from Yuugi and giving it back and this situation, certainly.

So, now I'm curious if Jonouchi's contact with the puzzle piece he stole put something of himself inside in order to complete the unity metaphor of the last chapter. I mean, I might be totally overthinking this, but there are an awful lot of parallels one can draw from this, and I don't know if it's entirely coincidence. It's making me wonder - what if Jonouchi had never touched the puzzle piece, and just left it in the box? Would Yuugi be different? What about Yami? Would he have even been able to come out at all?

Questions for fanfiction, I'm sure. Anyway, Yuu2 uppercuts Kujirada's pet like a boss, and Yuugi and friends are impressed with how strong he is. Yuugi speculates that the data exchange between Yuu2 and Jonouchi's pet must have been what made it stronger as Kujirada appears to break out of his trance. He walks away with his blank keychain, because apparently Yuu2 murdered the other pet with its fists, and says that though he's sad his pet is gone, at least now he can get some shut-eye. Good on you, Kujirada.

Yuugi is watching Yuu2 back at his house after night has fallen, and acknowledges that as much as he likes Yuu2, it won't be there for very much longer. In the morning, Yuu2 will be gone. Yuu2 poops, but Yuugi doesn't seem to mind the cleanup, asking his pet if he can watch it until morning. This comic is seriously breaking my heart with this right now.

So, what did I think about this chapter overall? Well, my impression of it definitely changed. I thought it would be another shallow one-shot that didn't say anything new. I was surprised at the hints dropped in here, though. Granted, I realize I might be applying symbolism where it doesn't belong, but as I said above, I think there are too many parallels to ignore. The two pets meet, exchange something, and Yuu2 turns into Yami Yuu2 during a battle with another pet. This leads me to think Jonouchi might be more important to the appearance of Yami than I first assumed, and I'm going to be looking for other hints of such in the future. If I don't find any more, I'll probably abandon the hypothesis, but who knows?

We'll just have to wait and see if it holds any water, because the next chapter and its partner don't appear to have much to do with this one.


  1. I used to have a Shonen Jump that had this chapter in it. Proto-Weevil was probably the least villainous antagonist of the early chapters considering he was apparently brainwashed... somehow. I blame Shadi.

    1. I think the "hypnotism" of Kujirada was commentary on how mesmerized kids seemed to be with their virtual pets when this was the craze, but I definitely support your blaming Shadi. Shadi is to blame for all, lol!
